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This quick 3 word test can hurt...
a little
but  it can reveal the most influential , invisible force
that is holding you back from everything you want out of life.
Are you ready?

Here's the test...


Imagine someone you deeply care about. You then share something with them that you find extremely fun and you want them to join in. But suddenly they turn to you, red faced, pointing their finger at you and say.


"Shame on you!"


What do you feel deep in your body?

No, really.


When you hear those words, "Shame on you" what happens?

Take a moment and really feel it.

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That feeling is the energetic mechanism that is designed to hold you back from your deepest desires, dreams, joy, self-love, and more.


We give that feeling the name "Shame" and that is literally the energy that clamps down on your authentic self and cuts you off from your source energy.

And it hurts. Bad.

And that is exactly why it works. 

"But why is it designed that way?"

Read on!


Humans (that's you and me) are wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. So if we do something and someone important to us (like our parents) say the magic words "Shame on you" the nervous system associates what we have done as painful. 

So it has to make sure that YOU DON'T DO IT AGAIN..

If you want to cut someone off from expressing their true self... inflicting pain by hitting you with the "energetic whip" of shame is a great way to do it.

At first it is just parents, then pastors or priests, then teachers, then other kids and then social media and all the rest of society.

Shame is engrained in the world around it. It holds us back from our dreams, desires, and THE FREE EXPRESSION our authentic self. 

We even take on the role of those important authorities in our lives and become really good at SHAMING OURSELVES. 

We can become aware of this energy, and once you are, you can start to melt it away



A little bit of research and a little guidance and I found that there was a hack and how to do it and now, the bike is much more fun to ride. It is expressing its FULL POTENTIAL.


So it is with ebikes. SO IT IS WITH YOU.

I know a lot of this intuitively from my experience over many decades but it really clicked when I recently got a cool new electric bike.

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You see, the electric bike was fun, and still is, but I noticed it wasn't going as fast as it could. I knew the engine could handle more, but when put it at full throttle, it just WOULDM'T GO FULL THROTTLE.

It was almost like the company "shamed" the bike's motor, and as a result, the bike's TRUE POTENTIAL, couldn't shine through.

Well, long story short, there's a way to remove that "shame energy" from the bike by doing a simple hack.


I want to help you reach inside yourself, find where that shame energy is holding you back, like the limiter on my bike, and take away that shame energy so you can use your full potential again. And ride off into the sunset, happy, content, free, full of joy, and doing the things that make you feel like you're living life to its fullest potential.


And I know exactly how to do that for you.


Here's what we're going to do.

hame is so deeply rooted in our systems that I want to do something different this time. 

Instead of a workshop I'm performing what I call a


Deep Energy Cleanse



It may not seem like it now, but, when you were a child, your parents or guardians were like gods to you.


You were entirely dependent on them for food, shelter, safety, love, support and more. No human child is able to get these things on their own. 

So... whatever natural behavior you expressed, totally as your true self, was often rejected or even punished by "the Gods."

The bottom line is that you had to deny your true self in order to survive in this world. Even if you had the best parents in the world. 

All this happened so early on, and is in the body, not the mind, that it is virtually impossible to remember any of it. Your body DOES remember though

The mark that this left is stored in the body in what I call "ENERGETIC ASSUMPTIONS" that are stuck feelings in your body, created by this energy of shame. 

Essentially these energies say the following things...

  • I'm inherently broken

  • It's my fault

And you can battle with those thoughts all you want with your mind, with reason, with memories, with talking to friends, family, therapists and more... 

But none of that will address the actual root energetic feelings that keep creating more shame and cutting you off from your true source energy. Your true self.

Why? Because these two assumptions are not in the mind. They live in the body.

The Inner Journey back to Authentic Self


We have to let the body itself become convinced that it is indeed not broken and convinced that it isn’t your fault and here's the big one...

You need to convince your body that it is safe to

let your true nature come out and play

You see, you don’t have to convince the body that your true nature is inherently beautiful and innocent. IT ALREADY KNOWS THAT!

The body doesn’t think. IT REACTS. It isn't a mind. IT JUST RESPONDS, like jumping out of the way of a speeding bus.

When the body begins to drop the programmed  behavior that embodies the shame, your real self begins to emerge. And that real self IS YOUR ORIGINAL INNOCENCE.

You don’t have to create it because it is already there. IT'S BEING LIBERATED NOT CREATED.


So with this "DEEP ENERGY CLEANSE", I'll be helping you communicate directly with your body, and BLOW RIGHT PAST THE MIND with all of its learned doubts and worries..

And that's why I created my method for doing this. I call it:


From Wishing It, To Living It


The Coherence Process, It's all about teaming up with the guard. Cohering with the guard.


Because when you're incoherent, that means you're unclear, you're misunderstanding, you're not on the same team. And incoherent things just don't make sense.


Have you ever tried to get to a goal with an incoherent plan? They usually don't work. Ever tried to put together furniture with incoherent instructions? Just a recipe for frustration and failure.


But with a coherent plan, coupled with the power of the guard, moving towards what you truly want out of life...


Well that's magic.

Hi, my name is GP Walsh. 

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I'm a spiritual teacher and guide. Because the truth of the matter is, there is no authority when it comes to this stuff, only experience. And I have a lot of experience. 5 decades to be specific. (That's 50 years.)


Because it all started when I was 19 years old. I was a teenage suicidal drug addict at the end of my hope, when something I can only describe as "Original Innocence" stepped in and showed me something almost indescribable. The force that is blocked by "The Guard".

The essential thing that the most abundant people in the world have, and simply cannot describe. I cannot tell you how lucky I felt. Until I tried to tell people about it... and I just sounded nuts.

I didn't know exactly what it was that I discovered at the time, but it was such an awesome and abundant force that I spent my life trying to uncover it further and share it with others. 

And that's the hardest thing. Sharing how to find and get past "The Guard" with others. 

The only way I could share it at first was through the "normal" aspects of life that people easily understand. I made money. I started a successful business. I created a family, and then gave that business to my sons. After that, I retired comfortably. I have lived an objectively abundant life on a material level. 

But I always wanted to give not just material abundance to others, with money, or businesses, or things... I wanted to give them what I was gifted when I was 19 years old. The secret abundance inside. What is on the other side of "The Guard". 


The type of abundance that lets you live abundance directly instead of having to do it through other's money. Or other's love. Or other's gifts. 

What if you could Get Past "the Guard" and  Get What You Truly Want Out Of Life?
What if you were able to give yourself permission to befriend and move past your guard, and let that energy flow out into others as well?

What if you could even learn to find this power yourself and then teach those that you love how to do it too? How would that impact your life and the lives of those you love?

That was my goal. That was my mission. That was my passion. And that took up so much of my life. 

I mean, does the stuff I'm about to say sound familiar? 

  • Life never gives you what you want. Or if you get what you want, it gets taken away from you in the worst way possible. Only to leave you worse off than before and wondering why life is so cruel.

  • Life never gives you enough money. Your dream home is out of your financial reach. You don't have enough for the car you really want. That fancy place you'd like to eat is just too expensive to justify going to. 

  • Life holds back on giving you your perfect relationship. Or only gives you relationships that start out great but end in disaster. Or maybe you can't get a relationship or partner at all. 

Ultimately it feels like life is holding back from you what you truly desire, and will never seem to just let you have it. 

If you resonate with any of that... I can tell you that it doesn't have to be that way. You do not need to feel like that any longer. You can have abundance in your life. You can have what you want. 

Because, after decades of searching, I finally stumbled into a way to show you how to find where your guard is hiding. Hidden in plain sight. So simple it's actually hard to explain.

And because this is so difficult to explain with words, the answer came to me not in words, but instead it came to me in a vision.  I believe the vision was my body and mind's way of finally crystalizing the information and experience I had over the decades into a way I could internalize and share with others. 

And I want to show you how. Without the need of a vision.

But why would you need my help? Why wouldn't you just go read a book on getting what you want, or take another course, or get some coaching?

I mean, sure you can do that. I mean, I did that. 

I completely understand why you'd want to. But I know from experience that essentially all other methods out there don't address the core issue. Because I've looked at, and tried, almost all of the methodologies out there. 

And sure, they work great for "personal development" or "self help". But I'm not talking about developing your person, or creating a better self. 

I'm talking about finding your deep rooted "Guard", seeing right through it, and discovering what lies behind. And that part of you does not need any self-help. Believe me. 

You might think I'm crazy, but I'm telling you, what you seek is right here. It's just hiding behind "The Guard".

You just can't see it right now. And it's not your fault. I couldn't see it for so long, and then I could see it, and then it would seem to disappear again. It made me feel crazy. 

But I know that what you want is right there, right with you, right now. No question. You just have to see it. And when you do, everything will change.

All the other methods to create a better life work by trying to attract things, people, situations, and stuff on the outside world. 

What if you were so confident that you could feel your abundance even if you lost everything you thought you wanted?


Because you knew you could get what you truly wanted back. 

That's what I want to give to you. That confident abundance. And it's not something you'll find in self-help.

But don't take my word for it. Check out what other people have said...


"I just wanted to take time and say thank you.
Thank you for one of the most valuable workshops I ever did.

I'm one of the lucky ones because I was on the call. 

I'm feeling extremely grateful for this workshop and all the work and effort
you put into it. It's packed with incredibly

helpful content and I'm just so thrilled I signed up."

"Thank you so much GP for tapping with me on
"Being blamed without any fault" and "Deep seated self doubt".
It felt like you just helped me release life times of trauma on that.
Forever grateful 🙏🙏🙏"  
- Sonia Navarrete


If you're stuck anywhere in life, I can't recommend a session enough with GP!
He's highly skilled as a guide and he REALLY knows what he's doing.
BTW I'm a coach by profession for over a decade,
so this comes from someone who is skilled and regularly helps others
change their lives, so I'm very picky about who I trust to help me.
If that's not an endorsement...I don't know what else is!"
-David Hamilton

"The one man that has and continues to help me on my spiritual path and
understanding of ' my meaning in this life is GP Walsh!
His teachings on Inner Reconciliation have truly changed my personal,  
business and athletic life! Thank you GP! "
-Dr Klara Gubacs

So after saying all that, what exactly am I offering you here? 


The Coherence Process Live

Thursday, May 4th @ 2pm Eastern

Here's what you'll get:  

Admission to the live workshop which includes the opportunity to work one-on-one with GP as well as hear others do the same. (The workshop is on Thursday, May 4th at 2pm EST.)

Videos 3 videos to be exact that will prepare you for the 7 steps to the Coherence Process, and will be extremely valuable to have for a later resource.

Replay of the workshop (including downloadable audio.)

14 Day Membership to the Looking Class a weekly energy healing group with another opportunity to work one -on -one with GP in a group setting to really look closer at the mother of all traumas.

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I don't even want to calculate how much time and money I've spent trying to figure out this method over the decades. But I could easily see someone spending upwards of $10,000 on the conservative side. I mean, how many workshops, conferences, retreats, books, audiobooks, and more would you have to go to to figure out that almost none of that stuff works anyhow?

And I don't want you to have to go through all that time, money, and frustration.

But here's the catch.

I can't do all of this for you.

It's not like you can just pay me, and I can build you a custom made "Find Your Guard" device.

The thing is, your guard can only be found by you.

But with my methodology I can show you where it is. And how to get past it.

However, again, the catch is that you have to look. And move past your guard.

And because of that, I can't charge an arm and a leg for this. Nor would I want to. I mean, everyone needs money to run a business. And what kind of course on creating a more abundant life wouldn't charge money, that would be strange right?

And you risk nothing.


I know that my "Coherence Process"  course is the most unique course on getting what you want out there right now. And I also know that I feel better about buying something if there's a 100% money back guarantee, so that's what I'm doing for you.

I want to keep it super simple, because I know you'll love what you find in my course, I can confidently say that at any time within 30 days after you purchase you want your money back, for any reason whatsoever, I'll refund 100% of your investment. No questions asked. And we'll stay friends.

Remember, the longer you wait to get past the guard that is hiding within you, the more you're missing out on what life has to offer. And the price of "The Coherence Process" is going to go up. And the live call will soon be over and in the past.


The methods in "The Coherence Process" are not available anywhere else, at any price. And the material in this course is based on my own unique experiences and methods that have helped myself and many others find and change their lives with the abundance they discovered within themselves.


Very few people know how to benefit from these methods, and you could be one of them. I can't guarantee how long this course will be up online or how long I can keep the price this low and the bonuses free. So if you're serious about discovering and using the abundance that is hidden within you to transform your life, act fast if you want in.


Most people who are looking to heal the traumas in their life haven't found a way to feel consistently confident that they can get what they want out of life. And that's because they aren't looking in the right place. And that "right place" is so difficult to communicate with just words. And that is exactly what my course "The Coherence Process" is designed to do. Communicate to you where to discover your hidden guard and get that "Ah ha!" moment you've been waiting for.


In my course "The Coherence Process" you get all designed to show you where your guard is hiding and how to see it directly. Plus, you'll get access to the live call if you sign up before Thursday the 4th. 

And if you don't like it at any time during 90 days after your purchase, I'll refund every single cent you paid. No questions asked.

If you've read this far, look inside yourself, you know you want this, trust your gut, trust your instincts, trust your intuition. Whatever feeling you have deep down that tells you this is a good idea, has it steered you wrong before? Listen to it. Listen to me, listen to what my students have said before. You won't regret it. Click the buy now button right now.

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Thanks for reading this, I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy "The Coherence Process"!


-GP Walsh

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