Overcoming the Toxic Effects of the Theologies of Fear & Shame
God is not what they told you
I have many students and many listeners to my live streams that were raised in or involved with those religions that are... frankly... more about making you follow rules and feeling guilty then they are about loving your neighbor.
Pretty much all of us born and raised in the west have been affected, if not traumatized by the religious doctrine of original sin, unworthiness and distrust of your own human feelings.
This strange and toxic teaching always involves a wrathful super being, watching your every move, judging everything you do and who claims to be merciful and loving.
But he really acts more like an obsessed ex-boyfriend who's stalking you and can't see his own disturbed state.
You don't need a Bible. You need a restraining order.
Rather that bore you with some sales page with all sorts of information on it, I decided to have conversation with everyone who is interested in any of the Meridian Tapping Programs.
So click on the link below and schedule a free consultation with me and I'll guide you through the process of deciding what is the best next step for your emotional and spiritual healing.
There Was a Time
There was a time when I would not even use the word God.
It. had become for me so corrupted, so misrepresented and associated with the worst of our religious theories and practices and the most unsavory of our cultural icons, that I figured it was irrecoverable, a lost cause. So I avoided the word altogether.
A God of Love
Yeah, I am feeling kind of bold and revolutionary these days.
I think that we can and should reclaim that word from the misuse and abuse it has suffered at the hands of those who's hearts are not full of Love.
The Reality, Behind the Word God, is Love
Many of the stories in scriptures are actually metaphorical. But their deeper meaning can only be seen when they are seen in the light of a God who is Love itself.
When you read or hear the words looking through Love's eyes, hearing with Love's ears, a whole different layer of meaning appears that is invisible to the hearts that don't know love.
It is my hope that, in so doing, we can free ourselves of the toxicity of these false teachings and be the free, innocent, beautiful beings that we really are.
So I am offering a workshop.
​Reclaiming God
A Workshop for Recovering Evangelists, Fundamentalists &
Anyone Else Who Has Been Traumatized by Loveless Religion
​​Since Love is not just a thing you think about but a way to be in life, i don't want us to focus on head knowledge.
Love is not a concept or a theology
​​Instead, we're going to explore this together in two different ways:
Relooking at the famous stories in the scriptures and see them through the eyes of Love (bring your favorite... or most hated... bible stories)
Start to free ourselves from the toxic shame and fear that got instilled in our bodies by this false teaching
We'll find a very different way of looking at these stories and see that there are different interpretations that are actually loving and life giving... and way more true!
I haven't set a fixed date yet. It will probably be the 2nd or 3rd week of January. It will also probably be on a Saturday or Sunday to accommodate people who have to work during the week.