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GP's Guided Meditation Collection

As millions of people have discovered, having a gentle and competent guide is absolutely essential. And nothing is more subtle than being guided through our own inner experience in meditation.


GP has been a meditation teacher for decades. Not only that but he is an accomplished musician and was a profession voice actor for many years as well.


As millions of people have discovered, having a gentle and competent guide is absolutely essential. And nothing is more subtle than being guided through our own inner experience in meditation.


GP has been a meditation teacher for decades. Not only that but he is an accomplished musician and was a profession voice actor for many years as well.


So he know how to craft the finest guided meditation recording with the highest quality audio,

“Ho avuto il privilegio di ascoltare alcuni dei migliori narratori e oratori del mondo. GP Walsh è uno di quelli .  È un talento raro che può mantenere un pubblico assolutamente ipnotizzato mentre offre insegnamenti e intuizioni che sono profondi e cambiano la vita.


GP ti accompagnerà in un viaggio che non dimenticherai presto e ti toccherà in modi che influenzeranno tutto ciò che fai.


Jack Canfield

L'allenatore di successo numero 1 al mondo e coautore di "Chicken Soup for the Soul" e "The Success Principles"

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